Welcome to Memory Care at Barton House Louisville

A Community Where Connection Flourishes

At Barton House Louisville, compassion and quality go hand-in-hand with attentive memory care and ever-present support staff. We invite your loved ones to join our warm and welcoming community, where faith, love, and togetherness are at the heart of everything we do.

“For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared in advance us to do.”

– Ephasians 2:10

Peek Inside

Every day is a new opportunity to open our hearts and connect. Join our family to celebrate the Kentucky Derby, attend an art class with friends, or relax while listening to music. Learn more about what makes Barton House special by visiting our community page!

Cognitive Care

Memory care at Barton House Louisville provides a nurturing and safe environment for individuals facing memory impairment, including dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. With our specialized care program, dedicated staff, and personalized services, we strive to foster an enriching environment for your loved one.

Why Choose Barton House?

We fill our days with enriching experiences and activities designed for physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness. We focus on enhancing quality of life.

Enriching Experiences

Our beautiful residents and range of amenities can help your loved one feel at home. We strive to make every resident feel comfortable, safe, and valued.

Home Away from Home

Love motivates us to serve, connect, and cherish each other. Our community is a family, and we strive to help every resident feel loved and cared for.

Caring & Connecting Together

Our Gallery

Get in Touch with Us Today

Stacie Jackson

Executive Director

Our Address

  • 6830 Overlook Drive
  • Louisville, KY 40241

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