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7 Signs Your Loved One Needs Memory Care

Middle-aged woman with white hair hugging and holding hand of older woman in white cardigan on a couch. Both are smiling.

Seeing a loved one struggle with memory loss can be confusing and challenging for everyone involved, including caregivers. If you notice changes such as increased forgetfulness, difficulties with personal care, and social withdrawal in your older loved one, it may be time to consider extra professional help. Caregivers may also want to consider personal care […]

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What Is Personal Care?

A caregiver gently places a hand on a resident's shoulder, and the resident warmly clasps the caregiver's hand.

Caring for a loved one with cognitive impairments like Alzheimer’s or dementia is a deeply personal responsibility. It’s not just about meeting daily needs—it’s about preserving dignity, fostering safety, and enriching quality of life.  Personal care takes a holistic approach to senior care, offering long-term support with daily activities for those living with Alzheimer’s, dementia, […]

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